Enjoy your free lunch today, Delhi; the dinner may not be there, though
A father, who had limited income and many kids to feed, declared one fine day, “The kid who foregoes his or her lunch today would get Rs. 50 before dinner.” The kids were shocked. They had not seen even a ten rupee note being given by their father. They knew their father as a miser and were not accustomed to such benevolence. They were more used to their basic needs being flatly denied because of paucity of funds. All of them happily accepted the offer, too readily. Poor kids stayed hungry and were feeling famished by evening but the lure of Rs. 50, in cash, kept them going. They were still excited about the booty, they were to be gifted at dinner time. Dinner time came and to their surprise, the money was actually distributed. Happy kids pocketed the money quickly before their father would change his mind and sat down for dinner. Then the father made a dramatic announcement. “Today, dinner would cost Rs. 50. Only those who pay Rs. 50 would get dinner.” He ...