Did Kejriwal's national ambition kill Gajendra?

This is an attempt to answer the questions asked by @bwoyblunder in the piece 7 Questions AAP must answer, irrespective of Ashutosh’s tears.

Any question once asked should not be allowed to remain unanswered. The unanswered questions don’t die or fade away or wither with the passage of time, they hang in the atmosphere, like collective, unfelt shame of the society, forever or till they are answered. Since AAP leaders would not answer these questions, I am taking the responsibility.

I may not have the benefit of knowledge that witness or a perpetrator or a conspirator has but this is an attempt to use the information available in public domain, some deductive reasoning and use of a bit of plausibility.

Q1: From where did AAP get Gajendra’s “suicide note?

A:  The short answer is, “It was with the AAP volunteer who was supposed to hand over the note to Gajendra when he came down the tree.” but it would be incomplete answer.
Gajendra was supposed to come down the tree after he had been mollified by Kejriwal, invited to the stage and deliver this speech from there. After that probably Kejriwal would complete the charade by promising some money from AAP coffers while a dharna against Vasundhara Raje led by Gajendra would have been icing on the cake, all this while abusing PM Modi and LAB.   

There is also a probability that the volunteer who was to hand over the note was the one who had written it. This would be to ensure that in case Gajendra did not understand the handwriting, the writer should be at hand to help.

By the way, what was cancelled below the name Gajendra was a mistake on part of writer. He heard Upendra, wrote that below the last line, was corrected by the leader who was dictating and he corrected it above the ‘Upendra’ already written. But the mistake he made was to write ‘Singh’ in larger size, to cover up the space, forgetting that if a natural sequence was followed, larger space would not be there at all.

Q2 : How does Kumar Vishwas “read” out mater that doesn’t even exist on the “suicide note”?

A : Please understand that this note was being read moments after AAP leaders decided the stand to take on the death that had just occurred. They were not prepared for it and since the strategy was made in public view, in seconds, it was not well thought out.

Moments ago they had faced a question. What would be least damaging to them, the stigma of insensitivity of not attempting to save a farmer from committing suicide or the disgrace of being caught planning a fake suicide which had just gone horribly wrong, in front of their eyes? Both stands had their positives and negatives. However, what swung the case in favour of accepting the insensitivity scenario was that it was only an ethical issue and they could get away by apologizing, as usual. There is no criminality in being insensitive and anyway, those opposing PM Modi did not look for ethics in new partners.

So, Vishwas had to give the spin of suicide and read statements from the note which were not even written. Now too, he can get away by saying that he was not reading verbatim but expressing the feelings penned in the note.

Q3 : Why did Sanjay Singh walk away from a Press Conference when asked about Gajendra Singh’s alleged meeting with Manish Sisodia just hours before his death?

A : Sanjay Singh walked away because he was not sure whether Kejriwal had taken the decision to sacrifice Sisodiya or not.
Gajendra was in touch with Sisodiya as claimed by formers family and since it was not denied outright by Sanjay Singh, it must be true.
Now, Kejriwal has to take a decision and he has two options. Either he has to accept that whole operation was planned by Sisodiya & Gajendra and he was not aware of it at all in which case Sanjay Singh can make a remark or two to sacrifice Sisodiya in the next PC, or alternately, keep stalling, claiming that it was a suicide of the distressed farmer and hope that Ashish Khetan can find something to compromise the investigating officer, in which case Sanjay Singh has to keep running away from the Press Conferences.

Q4 :  Why did multiple AAP leaders claim this was a conspiracy?

A : This is the simplest question. All of them were crying conspiracy as the strategy which was developed in seconds after Gajendra unexpectedly died, half an hour before he was supposed to threaten suicide, was only to claim farmer had committed suicide, because of LAB and Delhi Police had not tried to save him. In such a hurriedly developed and communicated strategy, the timing and sequence sometimes can go wrong.

The correct sequence should have been acknowledge death, declare suicide, declare farmer, link it with LAB, link with BJP, cry about insensitivity of Delhi Police and last cry about conspiracy of someone (preferably BJP).

Most did not understand the sequence. Few cried conspiracy before blaming LAB for it, few even screamed martyr even before death was announced, few brought in BJP while announcing death. Poor AAP leaders did not understand or execute the changed strategy at all.

Q5 : Why sudden U-Turn on conduct of Delhi Police?

A :  It only means that either Khetan has failed to find something or MHA has found something even more potent on the investigating officer.

Q6 : How did Alka Lamba declare Gajendra’s death even before the media?   

A : As explained above, while others understood that the sequencial strategy was to be deployed after announcement of Gajendras death, Alka Lamba got the sequence horribly wrong. She missed the most important instruction that death announcement was the trigger for strategy and not the first step.
Or may be she believed that when an AAP leader had declared Gajendra had died, what could the poor doctors do?    

Q7 : Inappropriate gestures from Kumar Vishwas and Manish Sisodia

A : What is wrong in confirming that the co conspirator, who if caught alive can land in Police custody and reveal all the details about plan is dead?

I am pre-empting the 8th question. Here it is.

Q8 : Who killed Gajendra.

A : A post-mortem would reveal that Gajendra died due to asphyxiation but dont let this technical description fool anyone.

As Kejriwal found himself straightjacketed as CM of Delhi and in trying to extricate himself from the stupidity of governing an ungovernable city with powers of a municipal commissioner, found that LAB would give him the pan Indian recognition but needed a high point, a show stopper, a central scene of the drama and Gajendra a wannabe political leader, a photo op addict who has farmlands too, though in his fathers name willing to provide it.

And Kejriwal went ahead with the plan to enact a fake suicide drama, to establish his identity as a well wisher of farmers, to provoke them further on the issue of LAB, to obtain a stick to beat the NDA government.

It was the national ambition of Arvind Kejriwal which killed Gajendra.

The original piece by bwoyblunder can be found here

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