Suited Booted Modi is an attack on my freedom; A poor man explains

Dear Sagarika Ghose,

As an ordinary, unwashed, illiterate, unrefined, non suit wearing Indian, I am thankful to you for taking up the issue of PM Modi’s suits & boots and implications of this sartorial attack on my fundamental freedom via your article here

I explain in next few paragraphs.                                                 .                                                                                                                                               
A Suit  or even a sherwani for that matter, is a symbol of prosperity as it indicates the wearer’s ability

to afford one. PM Modi, by wearing a suit despite being a tea seller’s son is provoking us to get out of the comfort zone of glorious poverty & mounting a direct attack on our freedom of staying poor. We may be small farmers or land less labourers, small shopkeepers or unknown artisans; all of us, and our forefathers had the pride of having lived our lives in splendid penury. We ostracised prosperity and celebrated poverty, our poets and writers have elevated us, the poor as representatives of God and we are proud of our economic status.

Our poverty brings food to many other tables. Our political leaders love our poverty, make careers out of it, showcase it to foreign dignitaries, our film makers win awards by making a spectacle out of it, and social workers are able to build homes by getting photographed with us.

When the leaders curtail their vacation and come to India it is a sacrifice in the honour of the poor. Then it is followed by another sacrifice of shedding their Guccis & Louis Vuittons (Only two foreign brands I have heard of, with your help), and buy khadi kurta pajamas for visiting the villages of their constituencies, They know that we, the poor like them dressed like us, even if it is for a few hours, staring thru thick bullet proof windscreens of their Landrovers, though naturally scared of coming in contact with our filth or catching some disease from us, but they do come, making us proud of our poverty. As they negotiate our dark and dingy lanes, we revel at their dedication towards us and the underlying reason which makes such dedication possible i.e. our poverty.

When another leader orchestrates a suicide drama, a political activist acts as a distressed farmer, our importance is emphasized again. Would be still remain important if we wore suits?   

Now, suddenly, PM Modi want us to believe that poverty is not next to Godliness, abandon our established, time honoured way of life, aspire for prosperity thru higher economic status using the routes of  education and skill development and be able to afford & wear suits?

It is as if, PM Modi wants to do our Gharwapsi to prosperity, by provoking us to adopt to suits and boots!

He also wants to deprive poor politicians, social workers and film makers of their career & positions, bread & butter, cheese & wine, foreign jaunts and exotic seminars? How Cruel!

We must fight this invasion of our economic freedom, way of life and culture. We must fight this attack on their rights to livelihood, with your help, off course.

PS : I had half expected your piece to be on the religion wise break up of Indians stranded in Nepal. I would need to wait for one more day, probably.

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