CBI's blank clean chits looted in Uttar Pradesh

Published on Faking News in Aug 13
A security van containing “Clean Chits” meant for CBI headquarter was looted at gunpoint near Ettawah, UP, police officials informed Faking News.
Two boxes containing 64 lac clean chits, meant for distribution to politicans & businessmen were being transported from a Government Press to CBI HQ when two gunmen waylaid the van at an isolated stretch and took away the boxes. Curiously, they did not touch the large stash of currency notes which was also in the van on its way to RBI HQ.
CBI is likely to probe this loot and give clean chit to the security guards
Experts opine that the black market for CBI branded clean chits is huge in the country. As the limited sources for such clean chits are servicing a large customer base, the prices have been skyrocketing recently. Now however with the infusion of large number of clean chits, the prices are likely to soften.
We spoke to Vijoo Singh, a known distributor of clean chits and found him anguished. “We were working in a niche market. Our high class clientale never negotiated on the price. Now only God knows what will happen. Availability of such large number of chits means they will also be sold to every Raja, Pawan and Suresh, including sundry traffic constables. If the full stock is made available in the market, you could probably buy a clean chit with one Unitech share.”
He also opined that the reason of currency notes not being looted along with clean chits was the depreciating value of rupee. “Whatever you loot, some percentage goes to politicians, some more to policemen and remaining is your revenue. The profits have already been declining due to increase in wage rates. Now in case of rupee, the value of the loot depreciates by the time it reaches market but the commissions are still to be paid at loot value, what you are left with is peanuts. Sometimes it can be negative.”
We tried to speak to Congress spokesman on impact of this loot on passage of Food Security Bill in parliament but did not get a response.
CBI headquarter declined to comment on this incident as the minister concerned had not been apprised of it.

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